Upcoming Visit & Talk
This year, I am planning to attend a number of major conferences, including IEEE IVEC 2023, IEEE ELEXCOM 2023, MAPCON 2023, VEDA 2023 etc.
This year, I am planning to attend a number of major conferences, including IEEE IVEC 2023, IEEE ELEXCOM 2023, MAPCON 2023, VEDA 2023 etc.
High Power Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Engineering (sources and components); RF Circuits, Antennas and Systems; Metamaterials and Fractals; Computational Electromagnetics; and Softcomputing & Machine Learning Techniques in Microwave Domain.
To excel in the field of High Power Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Engineering (sources and components); RF Circuits, Antennas and Systems; Metamaterials and Fractals; Computational Electromagnetics; and Soft-computing & Machine Learning Techniques in Microwave Domain.
Fellow :- FIEEE (USA), FNAE (India), FIET (UK), FIETE (India), FIE (India), FVEDS (India)
Member :- EuMA (EU), PSSI (India)
Professional Practice :- Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council, UK [Regd. Nr.# 678716]
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing (IIITDM)-Kancheepuram
Melakottaiyur, Vandalur-Kelambakkam Road, Chennai- 600127, India
Voice : 044-2747-6302/6300, Email : director@iiitdm.ac.in, kartik@ieee.org, URL: www.iiitdm.ac.in

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